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Probationary Black Belts
These individuals have passed their black belt testing and earned the honor of probationary Black Belt status. This probationary period ends when they test for Decided 1st Dan Black Belt, usually within one year with continued training. Students who stop training at this rank revert to the rank of Sr. Red Belt with Kickside Martial Arts.


Maya Ashok: 06/17/23
Bryan Ezawa: 07/24/23
Jordan Jeffries: 06/17/23
Aarav Kapileshwar: 10/15/22
​Anthony Nelson: 06/19/21
Arya Nelson: 10/7/23

Isaac Paixao: 06/15/24
Meesam Senego: 06/15/24
Daniel Souza: 02/10/24
Benjamin Steinhauser: 06/17/23


Decided 1st Dan Black Belts

Harish Anand: 10/22/18
nan Ang: 6/17/23

Gracious Anithanam: 10/13/15

Shriya Anugula: 10/11/16

Bertin Aparicio: 10/19/24
Varnika Arunkumar: 6/15/24

Gaurav Basa: 06/19/17
Cole Bloch: 10/17/17

Nidhi Bollu: 06/15/24

Jaxson Bullock: 02/17/1

Yochin Chang: 02/10/24

Akshaya Cherukuri: 06/19/21
Sreeram Cherukuri: 10/7/23

Rishi Chintala: 10/21/19

Rithik Chintala: 10/24/20

Chase Chiodo: 10/7/23

Emma Desai: 06/21/19

Ria Desai: 02/14/19

Ashwin Durvasula: 10/11/15

Sabrina Farrell: 10/11/16

Ashleigh Forbes: 02/07/15

Varsha Gaddam: 06/21/17

Varun Gaddam: 06/21/17

Andrew Gamache: 06/15/13
Yuri Glazov: 02/08/16
Gamana Gogineni: 06/19/21

Victor R Holmlund: 10/15/22

Bryan Huttar: 06/13/16

Christian Jakubowski: 06/23/14

Grace Johnson: 10/11/14

Christine Joseph: 10/13/15

Silpa Joseph: 10/13/15

Justin Kim: 02/09/14
Shawnak Krishnan: 02/08/16

Riley Lang: 10/24/24

Samuel Lee: 10/16/17
Daniel Leopold: 10/15/22

Viktoria Leopold: 10/15/22​​

Kevin Liu: 06/17/14

Sofia Lopez: 10/7/23

Arvind Mahesh: 10/11/16

Akul Mallela: 02/17/18

Arun Mallela: 07/16/20

Noah Mathew: 06/19/21

Maya Mehta: 06/17/15
Mounika Mukkapati: 10/16/21
Abhiraam Muppalla: 03/12/21
​Jiah Nelson: 10/16/21
Sidhanth Panjwani: 10/13/13

Devin Patel: 2/19/22

Elin Patel: 2/19/23
Esha Patel: 10/7/23

Ishani Patel: 10/11/16

Krupa Patel: 10/11/14

Manav Patel: 11/1/21

Om Patel: 06/19/21
Reyhaan Patel: 2/19

Rohan Patel: 02/13/19
Keneth Pineda: 2/19/22

Shubhan Poojari: 10/24/20

Nayana Prabhu: 06/15/24

Arjuna Prashanth: 06/19/21

Aadarsh Ramakrishnan: 10/13/15

Samarth Ramaswamy: 02/15/17

Rithvik Reddy: 10/16/17

Ruha Reddy: 06/17/15

Shubham Sawant: 06/19/21
Ilan Schindler: 02/17/18

Lily Shah: 6/17/23
Maya Shah: 10/16/21

Mihir Shah: 06/15/13

Rohan Shah: 02/15/17

Maya Simpkins: 02/07/15
Shreyas Srihari: 06/19/21

Mark Stadnitski: 06/15/24

Sam Steen: 10/13/15

Alex Tai: 06/23/14

Christopher Tai: 06/23/14

Kash Tare: 10/16/17

Kaushik Tare: 10/16/17
Jeff Thayil: 06/19/21​

Katherine Thompson: 02/14/15

Kevin Thompson: 10/22/18
Morgan Thompson: 06/20/18
Cassandra Vandevoorde: 06/19/21

Akhil Vishnubhotla: 10/21/19

Nithya Vishnubhotla: 2/18/23

Ashley Wang: 02/15/17

Hannah Weinglass: 10/11/16


Senior 1st Dan Black Belts

George Alvarez: 10/13/15

Milan Bhatt: 2/18/23
Vineet Bogam: 10/11/16
Oliver Chavez: 07/15/15

Mahi Chaurasia: 6/15/24

Avi Desai: 06/17/15

Archie Gebbels: 06/21/17

​Gagana Gogineni: 10/7/23
Charles Hayes: 02/15/17

Manir Hede: 10/11/16

Kathy Holmlund: 10/7/23

​Victor G. Holmlund: 10/7/23
Saiyuj Kobla: 2/19/22

Anagha Mahesh: 10/13/13

Archana Mahesh: 10/11/16

Abhishek Mantena: 2/10/24

Nandini Mehta: 06/17/14

Andrew Oldis: 06/17/15

Kelly Parenti: 10/11/14

Devin Patel: 06/17/23

Dylan Patel: 10/16/21

Jaylen Patel: 06/19/21
Nikhil Patel: 06/11/22

Sheina Patel: 02/12/15

Aksheet Ray: 2/10/24

Tanmayi Sayani: 10/16/21
Emma Schweitzer: 06/16/18

Eliana Singer: 6/15/24

Bridgett Smith: 10/7/23

Albert Song: 10/11/14

Linus Stenull: 06/13/16
Chris Thayil: 10/16/21

Taylor Thiele: 02/10/24
Maria Thompson: 06/11/22

Pamela Vallone: 10/7/23


Probationary 2nd Dan Black Belts

Kasey Angello: 06/17/23

Srihari Balaji: 06/11/22
Veena Calambur: 02/16/19
Jieruei Chang: 02/19/22

Anish Durvasula: 10/11/14

Jasmin Gebbels: 10/22/18
Ashwin Harikumar: 02/19/22

Leah Harris: 06/21/19

Evan Jablonowski: 10/13/15

Dev Kewalramani: 09/19/18

Ava Leach: 10/24/20

Evarose Maestripieri: 10/22/18

Aidan McCall: 06/20/18
Aidan Patel: 02/19/22
Ishaan Poojari: 10/16/21

Reba Salton: 10/11/14

Dhruv Sampat: 06/21/17

Janum Shah: 10/11/14

Sarah Thompson: 06/20/18
Aadi Vadhavkar: 06/19/21

Aarav Vadhavkar: 02/10/24

Kenny Wang: 02/08/16
Max Zhou: 06/21/17


Decided 2nd Dan Black Belts

Alan Suen: 02/13/19

Joyce Wang: 02/14/19

James Wilton: 02/13/19


Senior 2nd Dan Black Belts

Meghan Kanabay: 02/10/18

Juhi Kapadia: 12/27/13

Laurel Robbins: 2009
Sebastian Rollan: 08/13/22

Nikhilesh Sangodkar: 10/11/14


3rd Dan Black Belts

Sanjit Kobla: 08/13/22


Students earning black belt status prior to 2013 do not appear on this list as they are not tracked in our current system. Please contact us to add your status.

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